Altar servers are committed boys or girls who assist the Priest in the different functions of the Mass. Coordinator: Suzette Morin 832-878-5079
Church Choirs - The role of the choir is to worship of the rite of the Mass and thus give more wealth to the Mass. Coordinator: Frank Garcia 713-299-8026
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Lay Ministers who assist the Priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Coordinator: Jose & Maria Salceda, 281-960-7982
Distribute the Eucharist to the homebound. Contact: Lorenzo & Lupita Guerrero 281-736-2809 or Macario & Rosa Perez 832-633-7816 and 713-641-4173
Proclaimers of The Word - Proclaimers of The Word give human voice to the word of God in assembly at Mass. Coordinator: Martha Rojas 713-392-7713
This ministry is responsible for welcoming and accommodating parishioners in and out of pews. Coordinator: Tito Roman 832-620-1949
Assist families in nurturing, teaching and guiding our young people. (Kinder – 12th grade) Coordinator: Valerie Ponce at 713- 921-5431
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Teach and prepare adults to receive sacraments of Christian Initiation. Coordinator: Elizabeth Torres 713-923-2394
Retreats for men and women to prepare them to enter into a deeper relationship with God and fellow parishioners focusing on Adoration, Community, Theology and Service. Coordinator: Dalia Vazquez 832-646-1379
An Ecclesial Movement of priests, brothers, sisters and laiety that focus on missionary work, formation and evangelization. Coordinator: Adrian Torres 832-837-4822
An ongoing worldwide spiritual renewal movement intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. Coordinator: Benito and Marisol Mesa 832-878-0617
Organize, prepare and conduct preparation classes for parents and sponsors who would like to baptize their child. Registration is conducted through the parish office. Coordinators: David and Denise Fernandez 713-505-4976 (Spanish, Galdina Jaimes and Deacon Martin Pena)
Prepare couples to receive the sacrament of Matrimony. Contact: David and Denise Fernandez 713-505-4976 or 832-483-0370 (for Spanish, contact Jose & Maria Salceda, 281-960-7982)(Convalidation contact Matias and Maria Isabel Diaz 713-530-6120)
MFC (Movimiento Familiar Cristiano) is a group of Christian families that join efforts to promote human and Christian family values. Coordinators: Juan and Patricia Mendoza 832-816-6592
The nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training. Coordinator: Leticia Cadengo 713-504-5720
Prayer group devoted to the Divine Mercy with frequent intercession for religious vocations. Coordinator: Lupita Gaspar 713-319-7695
Families host the Virgin of Immaculate Heart of Mary for a week to pray for priestly vocations daily. The Virgin is received during weekend Masses. Contact: Odilia Hernandez 713-598-5369
Ministry devoted to our Virgin of Guadalupe. We gather to pray and venerate our Blessed mother, and follow the steps of Our Lady by living a good Christian life, and doing acts of love and charity. Coordinator: Rosa De La Rosa 713-566-6649
The function of this group of dancers is to perform to the Virgin of Guadalupe during the month of December. They perform at the parish and the George Brown Convention Center. Coordinator: Felicitas Alaniz 281-813-7508
Group of Men entrusted to Mary in works of mercy. Coordinator: Valente Villuendas 281-896-7207
Addiction Recovery Program for Men. Coordinador: Melchor Peña 832-276-7170
The function of this group is to have activities crafts, exercises for seniors and spend some time together. They meet the 3rd Thursday of each month. Coordinator: Vacant
The group’s function is to make improvements in the parish. Also find areas in the parish to create places of prayer, meditation, and fellowship. Coordinator: Rick Gaspar 713-231-8224
The function of this group is to organize the annual Fall Festival for IHM. Coordinator: Bertha Perez 832-860-1764
Responsible for counting the money collected during the different Masses. Coordinator: Victor Martinez 713-459-0443
The function of this group is to maintain the altar in a clean and orderly fashion, care of floral arrangements and decorate the church in accordance with the liturgical calendar. Coordinator: Ofelia Salazar 713-926-3726